
About KSM

The KSM Project is the world's largest undeveloped gold project as measured by reserves and resources. An updated Preliminary Feasibility Study (PFS) estimates proven and probable reserves total 47.3 million ounces of gold and 7.3 billion pounds of copper (see table). The KSM Project has completed a joint harmonized environmental assessment review as outlined by the British Columbia Environmental Assessment Act and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. In July, 2014 the project received its Environmental Assessment Certificate from the provincial authorities. Final federal approval was received in December, 2014.

Note: The KSM Mineral Reserve estimates herein were reviewed by Moose Mountain Technical Services under the supervision of Jim Gray, P.Eng., who is independent of Seabridge and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, and have an effective date of May 26, 2022.

Canada’s largest gold project

  • Providing jobs for generations. A 33-year mine plan, resulting in multi-generation employment in the region.
  • Reflecting community input. Eight years of work and community feedback are reflected in an economically feasible project design that seeks to meet or exceed national and international sustainability-related legislative and regulatory requirements.
  • A source of four important minerals we use at work, home and play. Gold, copper, silver and molybdenum used in your home, car, cellphone and much more.
  • Delivering positive economic impacts. KSM will generate wages, tax revenues and infrastructure to British Columbia and Canada